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Python Type Casting

Implicit typecasting

Implicit typecasting happens automatically in Python when it needs to perform operations on mixed data types. Here are some common examples:

1. Integers (int) and Floats (float)

When mixing an integer and a float, the result is a float.
Converting int to float by implicit typecasting a=10 b=5.0 print(a+b) print(a-b) print(a*b) print(a/b) print(a%b)


15.0 5.0 50.0 2.0 0.0

2. Booleans (bool) and Numbers

Comparisons: When comparing a boolean with a number, the boolean is converted to an integer (True becomes 1, False becomes 0).
Boolean typecasting by implicit typecasting print(True == 0) print(False == 0) print(True == 1) print(False == 1)


False True True False

3. Strings (str) and Numbers (int/float)

In string formatting (f-strings or .format() method), numeric expressions within curly braces are implicitly converted to strings for concatenation.
Typecasting int and string by implicit method number = 42 message = f"The answer is {number * 2}" print(message)


The answer is 84

4. Strings (str) and Booleans (bool)

Similar to comparisons with numbers, strings are implicitly converted to booleans during conditional checks. Empty strings evaluate to False, while non-empty strings evaluate to True.
Typecasting boolean and string by implicit method name = "" if not name: # This condition will be True (empty string is considered False) print("The name variable is empty")


The name variable is empty

5. Lists (list) and Strings (str)

String multiplication with lists replicates the list elements the specified number of times.
Typecasting lists and string by implicit method colors = ["red", "green", "blue"] repeated_colors = "x" * 3 # repeated_colors will be "xxx" combined_list = colors + [repeated_colors]


["red", "green", "blue", "xxx"]

Important Considerations

⯁ Be mindful of data loss during implicit casting. For example, converting a float to an integer truncates the decimal part. ⯁ Always consider the expected outcome and handle potential casting issues if necessary. ⯁ It's generally recommended to use explicit casting when you have more control over the desired data type.


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